Goju-Shorei Systems

Martial Arts for the 21st Century

August 25th, Matt McBride tested for his 1st degree Black Belt in Goju-Shorei Karate. The testing took place at Evolution Martial Arts Academy, in Sparks, Nevada. The test was successful for Mister McBride due in no small part to the courage and support of the ukes, Jazmyn Earl and Burton Smith.

The 15 member test board had 481 years of accumulated martial arts experience.

Left to Right

Back Row: Martin Amba, Ken Mammen, Doug Leet, Glenn Ristine, Ray Neill, John Chatwood, John Watermolen, Andy Tourin, John Atkinson, ukes Jasmyn Earl and Burton Smith.

Front Row: Gene Green, MJ Amba, Matt McBride, Alexander Archie, Dave McNeill, Mark Ramsey, Denise Ramsey.

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Comment by Dave McNeill on August 27, 2013 at 8:21am

Bobby, you're next!

Comment by Rob on August 27, 2013 at 8:10am

Way to go Matt!

Comment by Dave McNeill on August 26, 2013 at 6:52pm

Tom, he did a fantastic job. Worked his butt off.

Comment by Tom Callos on August 26, 2013 at 6:38pm

Congratulations Matthew McBride! I'm very proud of you young man! 

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