Goju-Shorei Systems

Martial Arts for the 21st Century

Many styles of martial arts teach the use of only two knuckles - the so called 'focus knuckles'.
Goju-Shorei teaches the use of 6 knuckles (roku yubikansetsu). They are used for a variety of strikes and defenses.

KNUCKLE 1 - the 3rd knuckle of the index finger.
This knuckle is used from a closed fist and is part of the two focus knuckles. It would be the primary impact knuckle when striking at a downward angle using a vertical fist.

KNUCKLE 2 - the 3rd knuckle of the middle finger.
This knuckle is used from a closed fist and is part of the two focus knuckles. It would be the primary impact knuckle when striking at a upward angle using a vertical fist.

KNUCKLE 3 - the 2nd knuckle of the index finger.

This knuckle is used from a semi-closed fist, and is meant to pinpoint pressure points. Strongest if delivered straight in or at a downward angle.

KNUCKLE 4 - the 2nd knuckle of the middle finger.

This knuckle is used from a semi-closed fist, and is meant to pinpoint pressure points. Strongest if delivered straight in or at a upward angle.

KNUCKLE 5 - the head of the ulna located at the wrist.

This knuckle is used primarily with an open hand and is the preferred striking area when delivering a knife-hand strike or block.

KNUCKLE 6 - The 2nd knuckle of the thumb.

This knuckle is used only from a closed fist. It can be used as a strike or a block (middle block). Like knuckles 3 & 4, this knuckle is thought of primarily as a pressure point strike.


The picture of Knuckle 6 illustrates the preferred structure of the fist. The last 3 fingers of the hand (from little finger to middle finger) are folded normally. The index finger is held straight from the 2nd knuckle to the tip of the finger. The thumb wraps over the index finger tightly which compresses the metacarpals of the hand. This fist structure also prevents hyper-extension of the wrist when striking.

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